
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Changing Scenario of School Shoes

In recession time companies are taking all possible initiative to increase the business volume. Naturally how they may lag behind in school shoes segment.

Education in India has been provided more importance since the beginning of human civilisation. It is mentioned in epics that in ancient times the kids were sent to Gurukul for education for a fix period of time where their all arrangements from education to their food, lodging, etc. were done by the Gurukul administration.

The structures of these educational institutions have been changed with time. Different religions opened study centers according to their faith and traditions. In present time too, there many educational institutions are there according to income diversity in society. These institutions are not only different according to income level but there is many other basis of segmentation. They are government, private, nursery, primary, junior, senior, kendriya vidyalaya, navodaya vidyalaya, etc.

Peoples from different income groups send their children according to their income potential to these institutions. These institutions have their own dress code which is mandatory to fulfill. One of them is shoe. Shoes are the most important part of their dress code.

In ancient times where children use khdaun made from wood for their feet, now many kinds of schools shoes are worn in schools today. In fact a school shoe has its own industry. The diversity of these school shoes are decided by the location, status and rules-regulation of the management of the schools. As in metro cities, fee of the school starts with somewhere Rs. 1500 per month which is Rs. 10,000 per month too in some cases. Often in such schools have rule to wear two-three types' shoes in a week, for example, regular school shoes, PT shoes, sports shoes, etc.

Similarly, in small cities or town areas too there are different schools which can be diversified easily. The fee of such schools is in range of Rs. 200 per month to Rs. 700-800 per month. Naturally, the guardians of children of such schools will be from different income groups. Also the dress code of such schools will be different. However, in most of such school too there are trend of at least two pair shoes per week.

Also, the schools can be classified according to their administration pattern and financial arrangements, as in private schools the financial arrangement lies in their formulated boards and they fulfill their financial needs by fees. In government schools the financial arrangement and administration are done by the government representatives. It is perception that fee of government schools is not much which is correct to larger extent. Most of the government schools are navodaya vidyalaya, kendriya vidyalaya, inter college, primary schools, etc. which are exists from villages to metro cities. These schools too have their own dress code. However, guardians of the children studying in these belong to lower income group except some exceptions. Shoes of their dress are also accordingly.

In government institutions there is another group i.e. state board of different states. Every state has its own education board operated by state administration and there are many institutions recognised by these boards. Many boards are operating at national level too, as CBSE, ICSE, NCERT, etc. The schools recognised by these schools have their own dress code of their kind. Generally in such schools too there are trend of two pair of shoes in a week.

Apart from all these, now especially in metro cities another kind of school is taking place significantly and that is play-school. The trend of play-school is rapid growing. Generally, in such schools two years old children got admitted where learn while playing. However such schools don't have the dress code but the children wear shoes which have their own identity in market.

Now many of the companies are engaged in the business implicit in shoes requirement of these schools. Not only tiny and cottage industries but multi nationals are in such companies. Some private institutions properly form a contract with these companies and the shoes of their dress code are available their stores only.

On the other side such government schools which arrange the education as well as fooding, lodging and dress of children, they purchase school shoes in bulk quantity by issuing the tender. Now the Government has implemented a law of mandatory education for children till age of 14 year. So, the Government itself arranges the other needs of the children apart from education. Government itself purchases and distributes the shoes to children.

Most of the footwear companies accept that business of school shoes has its own idenity which has dominance in footwear industry. Many companies announce their new range of school shoes from time to time. In most of these ranges belly shoes fulfill the requirements of girls while shoes made form leather, rexin and canvas cover the boys shoe necessity.

To tap the opportunities in school shoes segment not only small and national level companies but multi-nationals like Nike, Adidas, Bata, etc. are recording their presence. However, the centalisation of these big brands are limited to metro cities as these shoes can be bought by those guardians whose children are studying in highly paid schools. On the other side the shoe requirement of medium and low fee range schools is often filled by many small and national level companies like Relaxo, Lakhani, Paragon, Niio, Columbus, Lancer, etc.

But due to recession, school shoes business too hammered. According to an estimate from September 2008 to now the business volume of school shoes has been decreased. In these circumstances where small companies just follow the innovative and new designs by big international brands and they launch it lower price band in market. But the big companies have their separate research and development department. These departments continually innovate new designs with special features and facilities which are liked in market.

In recession time companies are taking all possible initiative to increase the business volume. Naturally how they may lag behind in school shoes segment. Hence every footwear company either big or small is launching new range of school shoes.

I am a business journalist.

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